Teachers Have a Great Role in the Upbringing of Children


School is a place where child learns and gets maximum knowledge and growth during the learning process. It is also a place where his hidden potentials are tapped. This learning process for a child starts when the parents send the child to playschool and continues until college where he receives his graduation or post graduation.

As we see it clearly that a child spends nearly 6 to 7 hours a day throughout the year (except during holidays) in school, it is obvious that teachers have a great role to play in the upbringing of children.

As a child can be easily molded in a right way like clay in a potter's hand, it is important to understand that teachers can correct the child's behaviour and character, whenever and wherever necessary. He can also shape up the child's personality by being a role model in upbringing the children in school.

As children are very affectionate, innocent, adaptable and docile, it becomes mandatory for the teachers to have both professional competency and a very strong moral background as she can gradually influence and shape up each child's personality with gentle persuasion.

As most children have a great respect for their teachers, this advantage must be properly utilized in correcting, advising and upbringing the children by leading kids during different challenging situations and circumstances encountered in classrooms.

Besides, a teacher is a second parent to each one of her students. Whether the child is too young or in his teens, a teacher must be effective in her approach by being impartial, loving and simultaneously leading through examples in all her endeavors.

As teacher has a vital role to play in a student's life, it is correct to say they are the people who could create generations altogether. In short they are in some way the builder of our nation as they are exposed to a mass of students who are the future citizens of the country. So, it is very crucial and elementary for the teachers to lead and influence the students aptly in every walk of life no matter whether it is in a classroom or even outside the class.

Teachers should also inspire their students to build them into great personality whether they become architect, engineer, doctors, teachers, businessmen or any professions of their interest. They should also shape them to contribute to the society by being upstanding citizens of our nation.

The main role a teacher could do is to make her class very interesting by getting almost all the students involved by asking questions or while discussing a topic. The more involvement, the more the child learns. This way the learning gets easier and interesting.

Besides, even outside the class room, she needs to continue to influence and correct the children by building their character in all aspects of life.

Nevertheless, it is worth stating that the students can be successful in his life if equal support is backed up by the parent at home as well.


Source by Yasmin M Elias

Are Uniforms a Good Way to Improve Student Discipline and Motivation?


The school uniform has a fairly short and somewhat chequered history. For all practical purposes, school uniforms as we know them today have their roots in the British public school system. For the sake of clarity, a British public school is equivalent to an American private school, and an American public school is equivalent to a British State school.

Up until the middle part of the 19th century, British public schools were the preserve of a wealthy elite, the later mandarins of the British Empire. Nevertheless, they were quite disorderly, with students behaving much as they wished. Uniform began to be introduced as a means of instilling a greater degree of discipline and team spirit, and rapidly gained acceptance within the public school system. Quite remarkably some of these uniforms still remain relatively unchanged today.

As is often the case, the middle classes – who would by tradition have sent their children to smaller, less exclusive, but still privately funded schools began to take up the fashion for school uniforms which had been adopted by their erstwhile social betters. In 1870, the Education Act made schooling for all compulsory for all in Britain, and many of the new state schools naturally adopted the sort of uniform policies which had been so eagerly embraced in the private system.

From that time, right through until the 1960's school uniform was practically universal in the United Kingdom.

The American experience is something of a contrast. School uniform (except in Catholic or parochial schools) was virtually unknown. Many schools had dress codes, which were exclusive rather than prescriptive. Blue jeans and high heels, for example might be banned, but pupils were not told what they must wear.

This is exactly the system that our proponent of school uniforms described as being started in her school at South Houston in the late 1950's, and to which she ascribes a subsequent significant improvement in discipline and grades.

In 1996, President Clinton instructed the then Secretary for Education Richard W Riley to send a Manual on School Uniforms to every School District in the country. The manual set out the Government's position, creating guidelines for all schools on which they could model their uniform requirements. The Government view was that the adoption of school uniform would reduce violence and indiscipline in schools, but did not go as far as making uniform mandatory, the decision being left to individual school districts.

The view of the Government was clearly not shared by parents, pupils or the school districts' administrators. By 1998, only 11% of Public Elementary Schools had adopted a uniform policy, and by 2000, that figure had only increased to 15.5%.

The decisions to adopt uniform were not consistent across the country.
Suburban schools had a relatively lower rate of uptake, perhaps reflecting the efforts of a more highly politicised group of parents.

The proponents on either side of the debate about school appear to have entrenched and almost polar opposite opinions, and there is a fog of statistics and counter-statistics available to support either proposition.

Are they in fact beneficial in improving discipline and motivation_ I believe so, and the experience at South Houston suggests that I am right!

The staff reported a considerable decrease in violence and indiscipline, and an average across the board increase of two grades in academic performance by the end of the year within which a uniform policy was introduced. Could it just be co-incidence? It seems hardly likely.

There is no doubt that when a school adopts a uniform policy, it is sending a clear and unequivocal message to parents and students alike. It is saying that this is an inclusive organisation where everyone is seen to be equal, and will be treated as such. School is about learning, not about showing off or scoring fashion points.

Some people would have us believe that children hate uniforms -indeed, many children will say so themselves, but the facts belie this opinion. Children, when they join an organisation with a uniform, just can not wait to get into it.

Most of us have an innate need to belong, to feel part of a group, to feel accepted and understood by our peers, and if possible to have their admiration and respect. This does not just apply to children; it applies to the members of your local chapter of Hell's Angels aware.

Of course, one of the obvious marks of a discrete group is its uniform.

When you provide a child with a uniform, you are giving him an instant key to acceptance within a group, the chance to belong to it and feel part of it.

Those who oppose uniform will say that by putting a child into uniform, you are taking away his constitutional right to freedom of expression. Nevertheless, is not it interesting to note that left to themselves, children will to a greater or lesser degree choose a uniform of their own. These may not be identical in detail, but just look at any group of youngsters, and what do you see? Brand X shoes, Brand Y jeans, baseball hat on backwards – or droopy pants! So much for free expression!

According to Warren, "With over thirty years of decline in a basic understanding of, and standard for, what is acceptable in polite society, though, school uniforms may be what are required to try to restore to our kids some sense of dignity, self -respect, respect for education, and awareness of what's appropriate where. " 1

The design of a uniform can be such that it does not preclude the expression of individuality by permitting the low key use of buttons and badges.

Furthermore, if students clearly see that they can not express their individuality through wearing extreme styles of clothing, they are much more liable to try to do so through their achievements.

The wearing of uniform and identification with the group has some other subtle benefits which have been cleverly exploited by the military for centuries. Primarily, group membership and wearing of the uniform bring with them a sense of loyalty to the group. It is unacceptable to let the group down, or to bring it into disrepute. The same spirit that works in the infantry squad works in the classroom too – "together we can do it!"

It is curious therefore that many of those who prize individuality so highly fail to notice this highly observable phenomenon, without which our armed forces would be worse than useless.

A significant part of the psychology of group membership and identity is the feeling of security that comes from not being identifiably strange or 'different'.

It is well understood that in society and in school, the child who is 'different' is the one who is picked on, harassed or bullied. A well designed school uniform removes at least some of the visible signs of 'difference' immediately.
The Fort Wayne School Year says "Uniforms, with all students looking the same, can instill a sense of school togetherness. Just as a uniform solidifies a sports team or public service providers, such as police officers, it provides a link to others in your school community. That can make you feel like you're part of a bigger picture, rather than standing out in a big school. " 2

There is also economic advantage to be gained from a uniform policy. Where a policy is in place, there is no longer the pressure on the parent to by the latest fad footwear for example, or whatever the accessory of the moment might be. For the pupil, the likelihood of being perceived as poor, or having unsuccessful parents is obviated, and the associated stigma avoided.

When the need to compete materially with fellow pupils is removed, the child's mind is more likely to be focused on his education, achieving for himself and the group. In this situation once again, the interest of the individual is not totally subordinated to that of the group, but is integrated into it and enhanced by it.

A small but significant psychological benefit results from having a uniform policy – it removes the need for both parent and child to decide what to wear to school, whereby arguments, stress and anger can be avoided.

There is reason to believe that school uniforms can have an impact on safety in the school environment. Even at the most simplistic level, anyone who does not belong in the school can be quickly identified and checked out. Likewise, any students who ought to be in school but are wandering around the community instead are easily noted.

Most school uniforms are of such a design that it is much more difficult to secrete offensive weapons on the person, and this should result in a lower incidence of students trying to take weapons into school.

In the tragic events at Columbine, the killers (one of whom who had hidden a weapon under his trench coat) were heard to shout "Everyone with a white hat stand up" in an attempt to isolate sports team members as targets.

Many thefts and murders have been attributed to something as simple as envy over designer clothing, and an adequate uniform policy removes that risk at a stroke.

A safe education environment is inextricably linked to discipline and motivation. Students who feel safe are less likely to behave disruptively, are less likely to fear going to school, and have more energy to expend on their studies. School uniform, insofar as it contributes to a safer environment, has an important part to play.
The Principal of South Shore School, Seattle, is quoted as saying "Dr. John German, reports that" this year the demeanour in the school has improved 98 percent, truancy and tardies are down, and we have not had one reported incident of theft . "3

One of the detractors of school uniforms has asked "Are we okay with losing even one child who may quit school if uniforms are mandated?"

One might ask in reply "Is it better to lose one child who may quit school, or seven or ten who may be killed because their dress was clearly and identifiably different?"

Good grade results demand close attention to schoolwork, and in class (at least for testosterone fueled young males) one of the biggest distractions is quite simply young females who are provocatively dressed. Excessively tight or excessively brief clothing on either gender is a distraction which a good school uniform policy can remove, with benefits to all concerned.

Some of those who oppose uniforms in schools suggest that designing and policing uniform policy detracts significantly from the time staff have to perform their teaching function. One of them goes so far as to say "creating and maintaining a new uniform policy would reduce the time spent on instructional improvement
and increase divisiveness, both among staff and between staff and students. "

The opposite is, in fact, the case. There is a time input into creating a policy, but the input to that task should involve parents, students and non academic staff as well as teachers. Once the policy is in place, teaching staff do not have to spend time being'dress police', deciding whether or not a skirt or a pair of baggy pants is too short, and then having to follow up on the counseling and disciplinary issues that may ensue.

More than ten years on from the US Governments initial attempt to promote school uniforms, the argument rages on. Both sides produce statistics to support their view.

Unfortunately most of the statistics available are flawed in one way or another 'perhaps because the populations use to generate their results, or because of faults in the statistical method.

It has been suggested that there is "No clear evidence that uniforms had any significant impact on improving achievement, only scattered anecdotes."

If these scattered anecdotes came from those in a position to monitor performance, they probably have some substance. Without resorting to pure statistics, let us for a moment consider the British experience. Although there are major cultural and demographic differences between the US and the UK, for the most part we share common aspirations and values, a common language and an ardent desire for our education systems to work well.

The fact is that public schools in the UK have had uniform policies in place for years. The incidence of murder, gang culture, drug use, violent crime, bullying and general indiscipline in UK schools is far lower than in our American schools, and the major difference in the systems is the prevalence of uniform policy. It just works.


1. Warren LH, "The Benefits of Mandatory School Uniforms", p, 3, retrieved 21 August 2009 from helium.com/items/382723-the-benefits-of-mandatory-school-uniforms?page=3

2. Fort Wayne School Administration "Fort Wayne School Year". Retrieved on August 21 from fwnextweb1.fortwayne.com/adv/special/schoolyear/article0014.html

3. US Department of Education, February 1996. "Manual on School Uniforms". Retrieved August 21, 2009 from ed.gov/updates/uniforms.html


Source by Norman Munro

When College is Threatened With Closure


Nowadays there are many colleges that are threatened with closure. The most important reason of this is that these places lack money. I hope you will take the following suggestions into consideration so as to avoid the closure of your favourite school.

Firstly, I suggest a small tuition fee for each student. Only students from poor or broken families could be excluded from having to pay it. Some more money could be raised by organising charity events like sales of home-made cakes and cookies as well as preparing Christmas and Easter cards and the sale of works of art by our most talented pupils. This would make the school more self-sufficient.

Secondly, there seems to be a solution to the problem of current repairs. Many of parents own firms which deal with household repairs so they could do the repair work for your school free of charge. The name of these sponsors would be mentioned in the School Chronicle and the school could save a substantial amount of money.

Thirdly, may I suggest that your school could rent out its sport facilities after school hours, like the gym, the fitness club and the playing-field. If your school is new one and still in good condition, it could become popular among your community members as a place to exercise their bodies and minds. In this way, the place would become a social meeting place for most of them. What is more, some of your classrooms could be rented to language schools to organise various language courses.

Finally, I think that it is a government's duty to provide the school with enough money to assist. The future of our country depends on the education of today's youth. Besides, young people ought to get education they are entitled to. In conclusion, it can be seen that there are a few ways for your school to avoid being closed, should my suggestions be acted upon. Not only could this institution serve educational purposes but it could also serve all the members of our community and be part of it.


Source by Ilona Wolanska

Choosing a Driving School Which Is Right for You


So you need to choose a driving school for yourself or one of your family members and you wonder – what driving school would be right for you? While most of driving schools would do their job well, each school however might target their specific audience and support their specific set of services which might not work for you individually.

Below are the main checkpoints to consider when selecting a best driving school for you.

  1. License Types Your Driving School Supports. Check if your school provides training for car drivers, motorcycle drivers, commercial truck drivers and so on. Note, that school bus drivers usually require special training.
  2. Target Audience. Check if your school provides special courses for first-timers, teen-drivers, seniors and drivers with disabilities. Teen-drivers usually require special training approach which is different from training for seniors. If you are a handicapped citizen a car for your driving training might need special equipment as well as instructors skilled in training of that kind of students.
  3. Your School's Total Years in Business. While the longest work history does not necessarily translate to the best training services, years in business could be considered as a valuable indicator that your Driving School knows how to adapt to the turbulent market and can withstand competition well .
  4. School Status in DMV. Many states provide up-to-date information about local driving schools, their ratings, customer feedback etc. In Canada, for example, you can get a list of not-recognized Canadian driving schools in provincial DMV web sites, so you could filter out obvious mismatches right away.
  5. Pricing Your School Offers. Compare your school 's pricing to the pricing offered by other schools with the similar driving training services. To avoid unexpected expenses pay special attention to the fine-print. Make sure that you understand all hidden fees and charges. Ask for special offers. Many schools offer special packages with discounts which you might find interesting.
  6. Languages ​​of Instruction Your School Supports. We are a nation of immigrants. If you are not the native English speaker getting training in your first language could be crucial for you. Check what languages ​​other than English are supported in that driving school.
  7. Requesting Male or Female Instructor. If your family has strong cultural ties with your back country it might be important for you to request male or female instructor for your kid training. Make sure that the driving school of your choice addresses your needs here.
  8. Formal Training in Classes. Does your school provide formal training in classes? If yes – how many hours of formal training is included into your fee? Note that while being beneficial, in class training is not mandatory and often can be done online.
  9. Behind-the Wheel Training. Check how many hours you will get in behind-the-wheel training with that school. This is very important checkpoint. Too few hours might not be enough to pass the test in DMV. Too many hours might look like a "money-oriented" school.
  10. Free Pick-up and Drop-off Services. Most driving schools provide free pick-up and drop-off services for their students. However these free services normally apply to specific locations only (usually expressed in miles from driving school's main office). If your pickup / drop-off location is outside of the supported area you still can get pick-up / drop-off services but with some conditions – for example, the time an instructor drives from the school office to your location could be counted towards your driving lesson time. Make sure that you double checked this rule with your school of interest.
  11. Success Rate. Most driving schools would proudly state that the success rate of their students is% 99.99. Take these statements with a punch of salt. As of today – the success rate statistics is not officially tracked by DMV; hence the most of such optimistic statements are the subject of good faith only. Get a second opinion – ask your friends, colleagues or associates about your school of interest. You can also check on-line resources, forums and web communities to get the broader opinion pool.
  12. Free, No Obligation Initial Driving Lesson. Some schools provide free, no obligation one hour training lesson for new students. Ask if your school has this offer – try it for free and only then make your final decision.
  13. Auto Insurance Discounts. Many driving schools provide auto insurance discounts for their students. Check if your school is one of them.
  14. Car for Driving Test in DMV. By law, it is the duty of the candidate to provide safe, operable car for his test in DMV. Addressing this issue some schools provide discounted or even free car rent to their student for their test in DMV. Ask for this option from your school if you can not provide your own car for DMV test.
  15. Car Fleet. Ask what types of vehicles your driving school will be using for your training. Old, worn out vehicles decrease the morale and will not help to progress your driving skills in a timely manner. Besides that newer vehicles are usually safer. However do not be over impressed by new cars proudly advertised by some schools – new car alone will not replace instructor's experience and his professional skills. So, use this checkpoint with caution.


Go through the selection check list provided above and you will get the best driving school you are looking for.
Note, that many from above discussed questions can be answered without leaving your home.
For example, you can find all driving schools in your location using online driving school directories.

Try online driving license tests if you prefer to skip optional in-class-training classes in driving school office. Those tests are available in the web for free or for very reasonable cost if you are looking for more in-depth training.

Get comprehensive reference of US road signs with explanation of each sign by visiting online road sign web references.

And finally – know your state's of residence DMV / DOL web site and make sure to visit it regularly for recent updates.


Source by Alvin Borsinger

Benefits Of Innovated Science Lab Equipment In Schools


There are countless reasons why schools should provide their students with innovative science lab equipment. After all, almost every part of their lives is or has been affected by science. From the local weather to the food they eat, it plays a role.

When school labs are not outfitted with up-to-date materials, supplies, and equipment, it will adversely affect the progress of scientific advances yet to come. The advances in medicine and technology would not be possible without the brilliant and dedicated scientists and researchers. Many of them developed their lifelong interest in the field as soon as they performed their first experiment in the lab of their school.

The intention of most high school curriculum is to ready its students for working or prepare them for higher education. Most colleges and universities demand completion of laboratory courses to be eligible for admission. Studying in this discipline will not only increase their literacy in the field, but also provide a foundation for a future in the scientific and technological labor force.

The discovery of a treatment or a cure for a debilitating or life-threatening disease might never be realized if the personnel shortages that research labs are experiencing now continue. To interest and encourage students in science and related subjects, it is essential for schools to provide a well-equipped laboratory. Being able to design and make new materials, and investigate the things that make up the world around them will prevent the loss of future scientists.

This discipline is different from any other course a student takes in school. It involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials. Teaching it requires being in a perpetual state of show and tell. The knowledge one attains in a class is ineffectual without learning about the methods and processes of research.

Science education would not be about science if it did not include opportunities to learn the process. Schools that pride themselves on their innovative approach to teaching know that classroom instruction combined with laboratory experience derives the best results. Evidence shows this method increases mastery of the subject, aids in developing scientific reasoning, and cultivates interest in this subject.

The laboratory provides students the opportunity to interact directly with data gathered from the material world. Here is where they will learn how to use tools and experiment with different techniques for collecting data. They will be using models and implement scientific theories. Experiences like this will help improve overall scientific literacy and prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers.

The benefit of having innovative science lab equipment in the schools is immeasurable. However, an important one is the critical role it plays in the lives of students. Besides the hands-on experience in lab research and experimentation, students also learn how to make a scientific argument. Writing, reviewing information, using the right language, constructing a logical line of reasoning, and responding to analytical comments are a few of the skills necessary to do this. These are valuable skills to have because of their usefulness in any discipline.


Source by Adriana Noton

High School Wrestling: Mental Training for Peak Performance


Athletes seeking to become champions in their chosen sport hope to find that desirable state of "being in the zone." Sports psychologists often refer to this optimal state as "flow." Flow involves a person's complete focus on an activity. For instance, a cellist playing in an orchestra may find herself totally "lost in the moment" as the rest of the world seems to disappear. As you can see, flow is not limited to the field of sports.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined the term flow in the early 1970s. Similarly, sport psychologist, Dr. Jim Loehr, coined the term "mental toughness" in the 1980s. What does "being in the zone" involve? Many athletes have experienced a time where they were totally absorbed in their sport. The athlete was focused on the present, lost in the moment, and everything felt effortless. The athlete perhaps felt a sense of peace and no fear or anxiety. Many of us have seen a basketball player who just can not seem to miss during a certain game. Many of us have seen wrestlers totally dominate a match in which everything they did seemed to go right. That is what the flow state is like.

How can a wrestler produce this sought after mental state? Here are some things to consider:


Do you love wrestling or is it just a hobby? Is wrestling a passion or just an activity to pass some time? For wrestling champions like Dan Gable and John Smith, wrestling was an all-consuming passion. How much do you value wrestling? How much of a priority is it in your life? Do you look forward to practice? Can you push yourself hard or does your coach need to push you? One of the best techniques for getting and staying motivated is goal setting. Yes, I know you have heard it before. However, you need to have clear goals to succeed. Do you want to be a state champion? Perhaps your goal is merely to be able to walk off the mat after each match knowing that you never gave up physically or mentally. You want to know that you gave it 100% and that you did everything within your power to win. Do approach a match wanting to win or not caring too much about the outcome? Champions have an absolute desire to win.

Paying the Price

In his book Wrestling Tough, Mike Chapman writes about "paying the price." What price are you willing to pay to become a champion? Are you willing to push yourself hard in practice even when you're feeling tired? Are you willing to drill moves repeatedly even if it becomes boring? Well, you need to drill repeatedly if you want moves to become second nature. Are you willing to put in extra practice time if that's what it takes? Are you willing to work out on your own and really push yourself even if your coach is not there monitoring you? Essentially, I am asking you this: "Are you willing to work hard?" I did not always enjoy running sprints during practice but I did it as hard as I could anyway. If I had the opportunity to run in the gymnasium before classes began for the day, I took advantage of it. I worked out in my room some evenings even though I had just finished practice a couple hours earlier. I worked out during the summer. I pushed myself hard without anyone telling me to. I went to wrestling camps. What price are you willing to pay to become a champion?

Focus on the Process

How does one win a wrestling match or a tournament? Do you focus on the desired outcome? I do not think so. You want to win. That's a given. However, a wrestler can become too focused on winning or losing. Yes, you need an absolute desire to win. However, your focus should be on the process or the means of winning. You win a match by executing your moves and scoring points. You win a tournament by focusing on one match at a time. Keep your focus on wrestling well and executing all of your moves flawlessly. Then the desired outcome of winning will simply take care of itself.

Sometimes I would look at the bracket sheet before a tournament and think about wanting to win that tournament. But, I knew I had to take one match at a time and that by keeping my focus on each individual match I had a good chance of winning the tournament. A well known proverb states, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Focusing on a thousand miles is overwhelming, but taking a single step is easy. All of those individual steps lead to the desired outcome.


Are you confident in your abilities as a wrestler? Do you believe you can win the match even if your opponent is supposedly unbeatable? Do reflect on the strengths you have from time to time? You should. Do you reflect on past success performances occasionally? You should. One secret to confidence is knowing that your skills are good. You need to practice, practice, and practice some more until you have absolute confidence in your wrestling skills. In addition, confidence is high when you know that you are in good condition and can go all out for a six minute match. Dan Gable was expected to easily win the NCAA Wrestling Championships in 1970, but he lost his final match to Larry Owings. Alexander Karelin went undefeated for 13 years of international competition before losing his final match in the 2000 Olympics to Rulon Gardner. Anyone can be beaten. Be confident in your abilities and encourage your teammates as well. Remember that natural talent does not always win. Often, the wrestlers who have worked the hardest and are confident in their abilities win matches.

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali said, "To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are." You may also have heard the expression, "Fake it until you make it." If you are not feeling confident, then at least act like you are. Sometimes, I would slap my headgear and run onto the mat as though I was ready to tear into my opponent even if I was not necessarily feeling confident. You've watched wrestling matches involving great wrestlers. You've seen how they act and the athletic poise that they have. Try to emulate them if you are not feeling confident. Send a message to your subconscious mind that you are confident. I love watching Jet Li and Jason Statham movies. They always look so cool and composed when facing an adversary.


In his book Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz states, "Our brain and nervous system can not tell the difference between a 'real' experience, and one which is vividly imagined." Practice mental rehearsal before a match. Visualize yourself executing your moves flawlessly and defeating your opponent. Replay past wrestling successes in your mind as well. If you vividly imagine winning a match, then your brain and nervous system believe that you have won the match. If visualizing your family or loved ones makes you feel motivated then do so. If visualizing a warrior confidently engaging in battle with his enemy motivates you, then use that mental image.


Obviously, you do not want to use negative self-talk before a match. You do not want to say, "I'm weak" or "I can not beat this guy." You want to use positive self-talk. You may say to yourself, "I am strong" and "I have great skills." In addition, you may say to yourself, "I can beat this guy." You may simply want to repeat one key word repeatedly to yourself. For example, you may want to say "Relentless" to yourself several times to remind yourself to be aggressive.

Optimal Arousal

An athlete needs a certain amount of arousal. He does not want to be under aroused or over aroused. If your heart is pounding before a match and you feel very nervous then try to do some deep breathing and relax. If you feel sluggish and unmotivated then try jumping rope or running around some to get your heart rate up. I read a story once about a biathlete. The biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. The coach of this biathlete realized his athlete was not in the proper frame of mind. He told her to run to a tree and back. The tree was quite a ways off. The athlete did not understand why her coach wanted her to run to a tree and back and was not very happy about it. But, she did as her coached asked her to do. When she got back from the tree she was smiling and her coach looked at her and said, "Now you are ready." He knew she simply needed a little more physical arousal to be in the flow state.


Have you ever watched a tennis match? Have you noticed how tennis players often adjust the strings on their rackets between points? They may really be adjusting their strings, but it also keeps them focused on the moment. They are not staring into the crowd or thinking about unimportant matters. Can you stay focused during a match? Are you distracted by the crowd or by unimportant thoughts? If you make a mistake, can you let it go and refocus on what you need to do to get back on track? If you are taken down, instead of focusing on your mistake and thinking, "I really screwed up," you could reframe your thought and think, "No problem, I have plenty of time to get back on track." Then you could switch your focus to getting back to your base and getting an escape.

The Power of State

Many things can influence your psychological state. Beliefs, values, mental images, music, movies, and many other things can influence one's state of mind. Do you believe you can win? Do you value hard work and being successful? Music "charges up" some athletes. If listening to AC / DC or the theme from the movie Rocky increases your energy, then listen to it before your competition. If watching a movie like Gladiator the night before a competition makes you feel motivated then watch it. Some athletes find it helps to meditate or listen to hypnosis recordings to get them focused and ready to wrestle.

Routines and Rituals

Some athletes find that having pre competition routines and rituals help them to perform better. Some like to use visualization. They may envision the moves they are going to do during the match. Some may envision themselves having their arm raised in victory. Some may envision themselves standing on the top of the podium in 1st place. Some like to shout and slap themselves. Others like to listen to the same song. Some wrestlers may have a lucky tee shirt. Some may pray before they wrestle. Some may repeat to themselves, "I will succeed. I will beat this guy." I used to shake my coach's hand before stepping onto the mat. Find a routine that works for you.


I watched a teammate walk confidently onto the mat, throw his opponent with a headlock, and get a pin. A week or two later he wrestled the same opponent and was beaten 12-0. What happened? Obviously, it had to do with mental toughness. My teammate was simply not in the same flow state he had been in during the previous match. During my senior year, I was pinned by an opponent a week before the conference tournament. But, I beat him in a dominating fashion in the conference finals because I absolutely believed I could beat him. I surprised many people. However, I was not surprised because I was totally focused and had no doubt that I could win.

My nephew lost a match 11-0 to his opponent and then beat that same opponent 14-4 a week later. What happened? My nephew decided the way to win the match was to attack relentlessly from the start, which he did. I think his opponent was surprised and kind of lost his focus when he got behind. Things were not going like they had in the previous match. I think my nephew broke his spirit. In junior high, a friend and I both lost our first match in a youth wrestling tournament. He was ready to give up and leave because he did not want to get a green fifth place ribbon. I thought to myself, "What makes you think you'll win your next two matches and even get fifth place?" His attitude shocked me. I still wanted to win my next two matches even if it did mean getting fifth place.

Some wrestlers get nervous when they have to wrestler a good wrestler. Getting to wrestle someone good should be viewed as an exciting challenge. What is so great about beating someone that offers very little challenge? Even if you have to wrestle an exceptional wrestler, you can still focus on doing your best and not being pinned. You do not have to give up before the match even starts.

There was a television show called "The Wonder Years" that focused primarily on a boy named Kevin Arnold. In one episode, Kevin decides to join the wrestling team because he was able to beat a few guys in gym class. He finds out that the wrestling team is a lot harder than wrestling in gym class. Kevin gets a chance to wrestle a match against a state champion. Kevin wants to give up and lay his shoulder on the mat and be pinned but something inside of him will not let him give up. He survives the match without being pinned. After his match, Kevin's coach points out the fact that Kevin was beaten 15-2. Kevin says, "Yeah, I told you I was good." This is fiction of course. But, I think you get the point. Even if you are losing a match, you can keep doing your best and retain your pride and dignity by not giving up.

I am not a sport psychologist or a peak performance expert. You can search for articles online, read books, and watch videos to learn more about how to find that somewhat elusive state known as "being in the zone."

Some Books

  • Wrestling Tough by Mike Chapman
  • Flow in Sports: The Keys to Optimal Experiences and Performances by Susan Jackson and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • The Fighter's Mind: Inside the Mental Game by Sam Sheridan
  • The New Toughness Training for Sports: Mental , Emotional, and Physical Conditioning from One of the World's Premier Sports Psychologists by James Loehr and Chris Evert
  • The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by W. Timothy Gallwey (I realize this book is about tennis, but it is a classic book about peak performance and worth looking at)


Dan Gable has a DVD called Coaching Mental Toughness on the Mat.

As you can see, trying to get into the "zone" that produces peak performance is somewhat complicated. I hope that this article has helped you in that quest. No single perfect state produces peak performance. Every athlete may have a different route for finding the flow state. Some wrestle well when they are happy. Some wrestle well simply because they know that they are in great condition and have great skills. Some wrestle well because losing is deemed absolutely unacceptable to them and they want to settle for nothing less than victory. You need to find what works for you.


Source by Tharin Schwinefus

How to Write a Short Story About School Life: An Example


When you write a story about school or school life, you should think it from the end. A short story is different from a novel which sometimes finds its own way when writing it; you need a plan and a structure that is almost complete, if you want to make it a good story.

Take the example of one important action (for a short story, this is sufficient!): A boy of 12 years has been thrown out of his school. The question is, how to make an exciting and understandable story that ends with this negative event.

This is the moment to construct a flow of action leading to his exclusion. Of course, it means that you think the story from its ending, but you write it from the beginning. Use your experience and your fantasy to find reasons or motives why such a young boy might be excluded from his school.

You know some central elements and patterns that can lead to it: very bad behaviour, being often absent without any excuse, bad performance and grades, destroying something, and other grave problems. You need to look for really serious aspects, otherwise the story can not be logical or understandable to the readers.

Imagine a class conference with all the teachers and the director where they talked only about this one boy. What did they say there? How did the teachers judge him? Were they looking for hints towards an improvement? Was it a question of sympathy? What was the form teacher's opinion? Was there a teacher who stated that it was not right to send him home forever?

Try to search for other facts in his situation, his life. Normally, the teachers will be right when they find that the behaviour of a pupil or a student is intolerable. But the task of an author is, I believe, to look at the things behind the visible action. What are his conditions at home like? Has he got friends who play with him, help him? How do his siblings act towards him?

Maybe you can find some serious problems in the family or in his daily life beyond school. Maybe his father is an alcoholic, his mother is drug addicted – or his best friend was killed in a car crash? Maybe he is very unhappy with a problem he can not solve on his own?

Managing this background question, an author of a short story about school can help to explain problematic behaviour and bad performance of a student, without simply putting the blame on someone. So the focus can be set on the solving of a problem – even if the story only makes the problem visible.

If these relevant aspects are part of your plan, you can write the story, no matter where you begin: with the exclusion of the boy, with the class conference or with the decisive reason of his misery. You can write a successful story now!


Source by Henry Arnold

School Bus Donations


A car donation is a courteous and easy way to contribute to a noble cause. People can sponsor a school bus or donate a used school bus to an organization or any charitable group that works for social services. Organizations either use the car for the society's needs or may even sell it to raise funds for their activities.

Many non-profit organizations are now willing to donate buses to schools. It is true that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated individuals can change the world. This is possible only because of donors who go out of their way to provide help to the needy.

Some non-profit day care centers use donated school buses to get children back and forth. They must be sure that the buses are in total repair and have no problems. They do not accept old school buses, and they have to be equipped with seat safety belts for each occupant.

Online sites are available that provide details of various school bus non-profit charities. People can either purchase them at a low cost or can even hire them. The website will tell you how to go about donating school buses and also provide information on how to receive a school bus from a charitable organization. Individuals can also register for these buses online.

The organization that people donate their school bus to usually takes care of everything from transfer of ownership to towing the car. All donors need to do is call the organization. If people wish to donate a school bus, online forms are available through many auto donation sources. Donors may submit the form and receive an early reply, with most vehicles gladly excepted. It is advisable to have the bus title ready and other relevant paper work required.


Source by Thomas Morva

Grad School Perfectionism Creates Stress, Anxiety and Depression Rather Than Excellence


Grad school is often the final phase of structured education and it is also the transitional process to a desired professional or academic identity.

As you point your sights towards your future as a professional in your field. There is often a sense that it is a critical "make-it-or-break-it" point for progress into an academic or professional career. It is also the point where academically you are given the most freedom and responsibility for self-definition and self-correction as you establish yourself personally as an authority in your domain.

This situation is both a challenge and an opportunity. With the imagined weight of their professional future hanging in the balance, it is not surprising that most grad students work very hard and put forward their best efforts … but for some students, this transition is a psychological tipping point. For a student who is already inclined to define themselves by academic excellence, this sometimes creates a situation where their need for achievement leads to an "over-valued idea" about doing "perfect" work

Grad students vary in their susceptibility to be pushed by positive and negative pressures and the departments in which they find themselves vary in the amounts of pressure or reward that they offer.

Levels of perfectionism therefore will vary from person to person and situation to situation, depending on the value that you, or others in your life, place on achievement in academics. (You may, for example, be very perfectionistic about school projects, but not perfectionistic about housekeeping). But often when perfectionism is problematic it appears in many parts a person's life.

Four Signs of Perfectionism

  • Setting very high standards and placing high importance on these standards. Feeling that you will be a second rate person if you do not live up to these standards
  • Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, and organization.
  • Concern and negative reactions to mistakes. Having a tendency to interpret mistakes as failure and believing that you will lose the respect of others for your mistakes.
  • Doubting your ability to do a task.

NOTE: Perfectionism is not to be mistaken for effort and desire for excellence

Origin in the family

Anxiety and concern about mistakes distinguishes perfectionism from healthy effort and desire for excellence. The origin of these concerns can often be found in childhood.

Perfectionists often resonate with statements such as:

  • "My parents expected excellence."
  • "I was punished for being less than perfect."
  • "I could never reach my parent's standards."

These internalized standards were developed in early life and may have been automatically transferred to professors, supervisors and whole academic departments so that they are responded to with the same over-heated desire for approval and fear of rejection that was originally directed towards family members.

Perfectionists are certainly better than average at:

  • Setting unobtainably high goals for themselves and considering themselves a failure when these goals are not met.
  • Feeling that others have set unobtainable standards and goals for them and believing that they must meet these goals to gain the other's approval.
  • Setting unreasonably high goals and standards for others and then suffering from hostile feelings when others can not, do not or will not live up to them.

Human and non-human solutions:

    Because perfectionism leads a person to treat supervisors and professors as potentially hypercritical others, it reduces the likelihood of turning to them for help and guidance in the very areas where they are the most expert. Because perfectionism makes self-exposure as a flawed and frightened person so frightening and shameful, it prevents a person from turning to others for human comfort and regulation.

Instead of turning to others for help, support and a realistic perspective on their projects, perfectionist students may turn to non-human solutions such as:

  • Self medication with drugs and alcohol to lower their physical tension or escape into addictive computer games … or even excessive housework to distract them
  • Use of performance enhancing stimulants to increase their ability to prod produce, produce at an inhuman rate.
  • Unconsciously driven neglect and inattention can lead to "hardware solutions" to perfectionist pressure. Computers break down at in-opportune moments leading to psychologically acceptable delays and respites.
  • Psychosomatic solutions: The continual high level of self doubt, self criticalness, isolation and anxiety may become too much to handle psychologically and lead to breakdown. Physical illnesses which are most easily affected by stress such as headaches, migraines, stomach problems and asthma become exacerbated. While they are physically distressing they provide a much needed psychological respite. Often students who respond physically to stress also suffered in this way as children when feeling sick was considered by perfectionistic parents as the only acceptable reason for a break from school effort.

Psychologically, perfectionism is always a "defense ". Perfectionism stems from a wish for total control of the situation. It is an attempt to defeat anxiety-causing chaos, uncertainty and randomness.

Perfectionism exacts a high price.

    Because perfectionism refuses to compassionately admit to human limits, it continually undermines self esteem. It makes it impossible to accept the inadequacies and frailties which are the result of our individual uniqueness which we must accept in order to accept ourselves. Because it proposes inhuman standards on self and others, it makes it impossible to ever feel successful, accomplished or proud … no matter how much good work has been done. At the graduate school level original thinking becomes part of the skill set that the academic program is trying to develop. When perfectionism limits spontaneity, flexibility, and willingness to take risks and explore imperfect partial responses, it also tends to limit or block creativity. The impossibly extreme demands that perfectionism creates can lead to equally extreme feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and despair …. and a loss of realistic perspective on the situation as thoughts and emotions circle endlessly, trapped between the impossibility of the imagined demands and the ( equally imagined) shame of failure to live up to these outrageous standards. Depression can result as you psychologically "stall out" in the face of what feels like an impossible situation.

Tackling perfectionism is challenge which leads to real personal development.

The good news is that since much of the problem is internal to the sufferer it is not usually necessary to drop out of an "impossibly" demanding program or to take up arms against an "abusive" academic system.

Perfectionism is a barrier to psychological and professional development.

Fear of not being able to meet challenges "perfectly" often results in procrastination and the avoidance of stimulating but more risky challenges. Perfectionists may actually work below their true level of performance in order to avoid any possibility of failure. Research and writing may be limited to areas that feel safe and easy. Academic work may be limited in amount, stereotyped in style or defined entirely by what will please someone else.

It is worth struggling to lay aside perfectionism because the benefits of putting down that burden are real and important.

Often what is needed is an internal reality check. Since much perfectionism begins in family life, it is often helpful to tease out the true origin of your ideas around what makes you a worthwhile human being. It may be helpful to seek out the support of a trained counselor as you examine the roots of your stress-producing perfectionistic ideal. Sometimes what is most needed is compassionate and encouraging human contact which provides reassurance that you are valuable and valued in the world as a person outside your studies.

Feeling less perfectionistic facilitates:

  • Higher and more genuine self-esteem and self compassion.
  • Better, warmer and richer personal and professional relationships.
  • More flexibility, creativity, curiosity and exploration.

Tackling perfectionism can result in better health, less psychological distress, better human relationships inside and out of school …. and paradoxically, better, more creative academic production. Putting aside perfectionism creates time and mental space for self exploration and self-creation outside the academic domain and leads to a fuller richer human life.


Source by Susan Meindl

Classroom Chairs Need to Be Comfortable


Kids are easily distracted from the schoolwork, which is why classroom chairs need to be as comfortable as possible to make sure they do not lose concentration anymore than they already do. These chairs can be put around any kind of table, even a small folding table, but the most important piece of furniture is the chair. When someone is comfortable in the chair they are sitting in, they are more likely to be able to stay focused on the work at hand. They do not have to think about how the legs of the chair are not even or how the seat is as hard as a rock. Primary teaching resources can only go so far when a teacher is teaching a bunch of students who are squirming around in their chair and trying to get comfortable.

When someone in comfortable in their seat, they will be able to listen to the teacher much more easily because they will not have other thoughts in their head. Some students would rather sit on the floor than be tied down to an uncomfortable seating arrangement. For example, when children are gathered around someone reading a book in a semi-circle, they are often more comfortable in this situation than any other. This is because their seats are generally stiff and uncomfortable. When sitting on the ground, they have more flexibility in what they can do with their legs.

Maintaining good posture during class is actually most important during the early years of schooling. Bones are still developing inside the body during this period, so it is important to not let the body develop into having poor bone structure. There are many different types of chairs available on the market today, and there are many factors to consider before making the purchase. The most demanding factor at any school is usually the budget. This is why so many schools tend to have uncomfortable seating arrangements for the students. The more comfortable chairs are obviously going to be more expensive, but many schools can not afford the high class seating often needed during school hours.

Even though the comfortable chairs are more expensive, these are the ones that should be chosen at all costs. The value of an education and the development of proper posture can not be thought of as secondary issues to spending too much on chairs. You get what you pay for when it comes to chairs, so if a school decides not to pay very much for chairs, they will be left with many unhappy students. The multi-coloured stackable chairs seem to be the most popular choice in schools today, so this should be the bare minimum in selections for chairs; however, any school would be much better off going the extra mile and making sure to create a comfortable environment for their students.

Deciding to go with cheap chairs can also turn out to be a problem when the students see what kind of chair the teacher is sitting in. It would be hard to justify the teacher getting to sit on a huge thrown while the students are left to sit on hard pieces of plastic. Of course, the teacher should have a more comfortable chair, but the comfort difference can not get to be too outrageous. Any student would begin to dislike a teacher who sat in a comfortable leather chair while they were forced to deal with a hard surface.

Chairs Classroom are On simply a key to the success of a classroom environment. A small folding table is fine, but hard surfaced chairs should not be tolerated in schools. A teacher could have the best primary teaching resources in the world, but they will not do any good if all of the students are not paying attention because they are trying to get comfortable in their chairs. The benefits of quality seating can only be seen by those who decide to pay the extra few dollars to make sure all the students are comfortable and can concentrate on their work. Without the ability to do that, there is really no reason to go to school at all.


Source by Kath Dawson