Old School Skateboards – New Vs Modern Skateboarding Gear


An old school skateboard is very different from the skateboards of today.

Old school skateboards normally refer to skateboards that were popular and used in the past and are not commonly used today. They are sometimes referred as classic skate boards. The term "Old school skateboards" is usually used to refer to any skateboard that dates back to the 1980's. However, skateboards can be dated as far back as the 1930's and 40's.

People are not sure how the first skateboard came about, some argue that the first skateboard was formed when kids with soapboxes from soapbox races would break the soapbox and were just left with the bottom flat board and wheels. Others argue that surfers created the first skateboard by attaching the wheels of roller skates to a piece of flat board in order to ride something when they were not able to surf.

Even though most of the times we refer to old school skateboards as the ones made in the 80's, remember although there are no definitive origins of where skateboards became popular or where they originated they definitely existed well before the 80's. Whether it be the 80's or the 30's, still there are many differences between the old skateboards and the modern skateboards that kids ride today.

First, the appearances of old school skateboards are very different than the skateboards preferred today. They were less concave. Aerial maneuvers on these skateboards were nearly impossible and required a little bit of ingenuity to get this skill.

Old school skateboards had a small nose and a very large unusually square and flat shaped tail. Unlike old school skate boards, modern skate boards feature a dramatic improvement for aerial maneuvers, they have a large nose and they are slightly larger and wider at the tail than their counterparts. The decks and trucks are narrow and the wheels smaller. This is to improve the ability to Ollie and other skateboarding tricks that they are based on.

Though they are still these types of skateboards in circulation today there numbers have reduced dramatically as companies make skateboards that are market targeted. These skateboards were or are the foundation of better and improved skate boards. The trucks and the wheels have been improved as well as better materials been used in making strong light decks.

The main thing to remember here is that, without old school skate boards they will probably be no modern skate boards.

All kinds out the find of information about all kinds of Skateboarding Gear .


Source by Tiffany Godinez

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Independent Schools


An independent or 'private' school is a primary or secondary school that has independent finances and governance and one that is funded by tuition charges and gifts. It is governed by a board of directors. Independent schools may have religious affiliation and some schools may offer boarding facilities.

Special assistance private schools aim to improve the lives of students by providing services tailored to the specific needs of their individual students. An example of this is a dyslexia school or school for severely handicapped pupils.

Independent schools retain the right to select their students, who usually have to pay full fees. Some pupils get a scholarship into a private school, which makes their fees cheaper. Scholarships depend on the talent of the student (sporting, artistic or academic).

Tuition and fees vary between specific private schools. Many offer need-based financial aid or monthly payment plans. The schools can also help parents identify potential sources of financial help from outside agencies. In some instances fees may be paid for the student – this is true in the UK of forces children (army, navy and air force).

Independent schools generally pay higher salaries for the best teachers and also provide enriched learning environments, high academic standards and a low student to teacher ratio. They also offer close-knit communities, individualised learning and hand-on learning opportunities. The good reputation of a private school can also help pupils later in life.

Because private schools do not receive government money, they are free to create their own curriculum, fund programs however they see fit, establish their own admissions process for pupils and set their own requirements for hiring or firing staff.

There are drawbacks to private education that should be considered before enrolling a child in private school. The main one is usually cost. Even with financial help, the fees can be too steep for some parents.

Also you should consider that your child may not live near their friends. If the selected private school is a long way from home, your child may have to board, which does not suit everyone and can be a very lonely experience for a young child.

Because each school chooses its own curriculum and teachers without government controls, parents must make sure that they approve of the selection processes.

Fear of snobbish influences at school is a valid concern and pupils may face discrimination outside school for being a 'rich kid' or snob.

Parents should consider these disadvantages carefully, especially the fee side of things if they have more than one child!

Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important things you can do for them so choose wisely.


Source by Rose R Harrison

School Facilities Determines Students Academic Performance


The development of any society is dependent on the general level of education attained by its population most especially the youths. It therefore means that the educational system must be flexible, functional and optional enough to have something to offer to all members of the society including the youths, adults, privileged and the less privileged. The desire to meet the educational needs in particular those members of the under privileged is now a major challenge to the educators over the past years.

Education brings about a change in the manner of conduct of an individual which makes him to present himself as a responsible, sagacious and dependable member of his society. Education is regarded as an activity which gees on in the society with its aims depending on the nature of the society in which it takes place. It is a process through which an individual is trained to become useful to himself and the society at large with the acquisition of the cultural values ​​and norms of the society. It occurs at all stages of life and can occur anywhere, but for the purpose of this study, the focus shall be on the type of education acquired in the school academic environment otherwise known as formal education. A school is a place like home where learning activities takes place and it comprises of individual from different cultural background which live and interact together as a cohesive community with a major common objectives and purpose for learning. It is a place where a learner acquires specialized knowledge and skills needed for their survival and to promote their innate capabilities for learning.

The school prepares an individual for future adult roles, the purpose of the school is mainly to serve as a channel for acquiring knowledge and skills and to enhance the full all round development of an individual. It is therefore necessary for instructors and school administrators to ensure that the school academic environment does not deviate from its main purpose in the sense that instructors control and maintain the type of activities that occur in the school environment in terms of extracurricular activities.

The schools exist because of the students. The quality of the student's performance depends on the quality of the school in terms of availability of required and adequate infrastructural facilities in such a school. Schools with well equipped facilities and well experienced personnel tend to produce brilliant students who show the ways for others students and lead them in various stages in Life. It could therefore be said that the performance of the students depends on the school facilities, which in returns determine their future lives. Parents and guardians should be encouraged to send their wards to schools with well-equipped facilities because it will result in better future for their children.

This fact has been proven to be true as the performance of some students from well equipped facilities schools differs from other students who are in school with less equipped facilities. Availability of required learning facilities in schools enhances student's academic performance. When learning materials are provided, learning activities proceed at a very fast speed. In a situation where the learning environment is not conducive, academic activities proceed at a low rate which then result in poor academic performance of students in promotional and certificate examine. And such is the case of four students of Ifako International School, Ifako, Ifako-Ijaye, Lagos State Nigeria.

Two of the students performed excellently in the competition as Olatide Wright and Torsho Dennis of the senor secondary school came second and fifth respectively in the Gessomate art competition. Adefoluso Orimalade and Soremekun Ibrahim of the junior secondary school came third and forth respectively. This level of performance does revealed the states of Ifako international school as a school with well experienced teachers and adequate faculties suitable for teaching and learning purposes and ideal school for parents who wants the best education for their children. The students are the image of the school and the school can not exist without the students, the students produced by each school give or show the real image of the school in the society. The school should help provide the required materials and regulates the activities of all extracurricular activities within the school environment so that effective learning activities can occur.

Academic excellence is the desired of every school owner. The quality of teaching and learning that takes place in any educational establishment determines the level of academic excellence. In other for effective teaching and learning process to occur within the school academic environment. There must be provision of required learning aids such as conducive school physical environment, well painted classroom, adequate chairs, moderate distance from an industrial area to prevent unwanted noise and well experienced teachers. Things do not just happen; they are made to happen. All concerned bodies of education should ensure that all the aforementioned criteria are seriously considered so that the desired educational goals and objectives can be achieved and thus ensuring better future for our children.


Source by Oyebamiji S Adeleye

Let's Abolish High School


This is the title of the article published by Robert Epstein in Education Week datelined April 4, 2007 to which a student Robert Zahari says, "Epstein for some reason seems to be nostalgic for the" good old days "of child labor when children worked 12 -hour days under exploitative and dangerous conditions in impersonal factories, and seems to think that the protections we have now are unnecessary and counterproductive ". In my opinion Robert Zahari does not make a fair criticism of Epstein's article. There may be merits and demerits in Epstein's article that should have been evaluated and analyzed, but Zahari passes a hasty opinion on the article. On the contrary a fair reading of Epstein's article shows that the author has no where favored child labor of the kind Zahari points out. On the contrary the overall thesis of Epstein's article seems to be that age is no barrier to intellectual and emotional achievement. In other words, an adolescent of 15 could be as or more emotionally and intellectually advanced than an adult of 25 or 35 or more.

I agree with Epstein (2007) that age is an artificial barrier to making decisions like voting, or even doing works that adults do. He further argues, "After all, past puberty, technically speaking we're not really children anymore, and presumably through most of human history we bore our young when we were quite young ourselves. It occurred to me that young people must be capable of functioning as competent adults, or the human race quite probably would not exist "(Epstein 2007). I agree that human beings are well developed past puberty at least physically. Also, there are prodigies that may have attained greater intellectual, emotional, and spiritual heights at quite a young age. However, those are the exceptions. The fact is that we continue to grow mentally all our life. Therefore, child-adolescent-adult is a continuum rather than well defined stages and hence age is an artificial barrier distinguishing childhood from adulthood. Consequently, for a large majority of mankind there are things a 25 year old can learn but not an adolescent of 15 because exceptionally brilliant children are exceptional. We must also admit that "we bore our young when we were quite young ourselves" is / was true in an age when science and environmental factors did not enrich human lives. The average longevity used to be 25 to 30 years. Today the average life span in the developed world is close to or past 80. Further, society and life style are evolutionary in nature. Hundred or more years down the line, it would not be surprising that a child would not attain the age of majority till 35 pr 40 with 150 or 200 years of average life span.

Epstein favors abolition of High Schools because they were designed or created under conditions like industrial revolution, great depression, or for reasons like safeguarding the limited number of jobs for those that needed the most. I can not agree more with the author. However, Epstein (2007) merely states the obvious. While agreeing that the school system today are superfluous, I still hold that every age since time immemorial had some formal arrangement for education. Even today we are experimenting with home schooling, distance learning, online learning and several other forms of education. If Epstein is arguing, which he does not of course, for abolition of education altogether, I can not see any more ridiculous idea because every age has unique repertoire of literary, social, and scientific know how and skills that must be passed down from generation to generation for growth unless we wish to descend to the dark ages of savagery.

The focus of Epstein's essay is that adolescents are as capable or more capable than adults in several respects: "The research I conducted with my colleague Diane Dumas suggests that teenagers are as competent as adults across a wide range of adult abilities, and other research has long shown that they are actually superior to adults on tests of memory, intelligence, and perception "(Epstein 2007). Therefore, they should be given freedom to learn, to earn, and to do anything creative and worthwhile they need to do rather than chaining them down under hundreds of restrictions including compulsory education. I completely agree with the author here. However, Epstein does not provide us a concrete scheme of arrangement so that the young people can express themselves to the best of their talents. What would they do once they drop out of high schools? Should they be allowed to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sex? Should they be allowed to remain delinquents or languish in institutions?

None the less, author identifies teenage turmoil in western culture and society. Therefore, the obvious solution that we have is to change the culture because there are hundreds of societies documented anthropologically that are free from teenage turmoil. I do not see merit in the logic because culture is a unilinear and irreversible growth not determined by an individual or even masses. Cultural growth is an outcome of several factors – known and unknown – that can not be controlled. Several social scientists have evidenced that culture of a society progresses through stages from pre to post industrial stages.

I agree with the author that "Teenagers are inherently highly capable young adults; to undo the damage we have done; we need to establish competency-based systems that give these young people opportunities and incentives to join the adult world as rapidly as possible". I agree that teenagers are highly competent. I also agree that we must have competency based systems. However, I can see that already taking place. Competent and meritorious students or teenagers are filtered quite early in life to take up sports or modeling, or television, or anything they excel at. However, a large majority still need technical or managerial or administrative or scientific and research skills that come with years of training.


Source by Ajit Kumar Jha

Old School Love: Where Has It Gone?


If you're in your late thirties to mid forties and still single, you may be asking yourself these questions. What happened to old school love? Does it still exist? If so, where is it?

If you have no idea what old school love is let me enlighten you. There was once a time when a man saw a woman, thought she was lovely and told her so. He asked her out for a movie. He made arrangements to pick her up from her home. If she still lived with her parents he made it a point to come in and introduce himself. He opened all doors, pulled out all chairs and paid for the date without hesitation. He brought her home at a decent hour and all he expected in return was the opportunity to see her again. His goal was to make her his wife. Not to add her to his team.

If you are waiting for this man you may be feeling hopeless to find love. It's not that old school love no longer exists. It's just hidden. You can still find it if you do not settle.

Here are some things that you might try while waiting for the love you desire to find you.

(1) Make a list of the things you want in a man. After you've made the list go over it honestly. Place an asterisk beside all the things that are a MUST. This means that you can not live with it or without it.

(2) Look at everything you have an asterisk by. Make sure that either you have these qualities as well or that you would be able to compliment them. This means that you can not expect to catch a generous man if you are not a generous woman, etc.

(3) Those of you looking for an old school love have to take an honest look at yourself. Are you the kind of woman that would attract this man? An old school man is NOT looking for a wretched or "ratchet" woman. He is looking for class and style. He is looking for someone who would actually appreciate his qualities. Not take advantage of them or take them for granted.

If an old school type of love is what you're after then you want to be an old school catch. In our society today this kind of love is not popular. There are more women than available men and the men who are available are aware of this disparity. They can have more than one cow and all the milk they can stomach. It's an old school cliché but it may be more relevant now than it was when it started. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

You are going to have to stand up for what you believe in and hold onto boundaries. If you have a 90 day rule about sex then stick to it. If he does not respect your boundaries then he's not for you. This will take courage. But, if you do not set boundaries then you end up in a free-for-all relationship. Hold out for the old school love that you want instead of settling for any old kind of love just to say you have it.


Source by Soneakqua White

How I Built My Elementary School's Master Schedule


My philosophy is that how you spend your time and resources reveals what your priorities are. This is my third year of creating a master schedule for Bladen Lakes Primary School. My efforts each year follow the process outlined in the book Elementary School Scheduling: Enhancing Instruction for Student Achievement by Robert Lynn Canady and Michael D. Rettig. This year, I am explicitly charting out the steps I took in making the schedule. My faculty and I at the school participate in shared leadership. The foundation of the schedule is laid out through multiple ongoing conversations with teachers, parents, and students.

I want my teachers to be able to retrace my steps and perhaps provide alternative schedules or make adjustments that I had not considered. All alternatives to the master schedule should be presented to the grade level committee using the same methodology and should be based on deliberate strategy. "I do not want to teach after lunch" is an example of a schedule request that is not well thought out. An example of a schedule request that is well thought out might be, "If teacher A and teacher B trade media center times on Tuesdays, the second grade could have additional common planning time."

It should also be noted that my school follows a time allocation chart in which each subject is assigned a specific number of minutes per week by grade level. Lunch, recess, special classes, computer lab time, math, reading, social studies, science, physical education, writing, and rest time are all charted down to the minute.

My school has about 350 students, until the spring of each year when we get an additional 50 students who are the children of migrant workers in the local blueberry fields. I consider the school to be medium-size. One of the complications we face each year is that we share our music, physical education, and art teachers with three other elementary schools. Different teachers are at the school on different days. This makes a cookie-cutter daily schedule simply impossible.

I have listed below the steps I followed in creating the master schedule:

1. I charted out what teachers are on campus at what times. I created 30 minute slots of time (our lowest unit of time) for the entire school week.
2. I assigned lunch to special teachers.
3. I assigned open media / Accelerated Reader (AR) time each day, per an ongoing discussion with my media center coordinator Mrs. Brigman regarding our AR upgrade.
4. I scheduled grade level planning and common time. Each grade level will have at least one common planning time on Wednesdays for one hour.
5. I scheduled all special classes except computer lab and media time. I made every attempt possible to ensure that

  • a. Specials for each grade level were at the same time each day
  • b. Homerooms did not have two specials on the same day
  • c. The morning block of instruction was protected, with 3rd and 4th grades as a priority
  • d. Kindergarten did not have 8-9 block of specials because of breakfast

6. I scheduled library time depending on when each homeroom did not already have a special class.
7. I scheduled lunches. I kept grade levels together when possible.
8. I scheduled computer lab time and recess time. Classes have recess every day except the days that they meet with the physical education (PE) teacher.
9. I created a new schedule grid for each day for each grade level. I pencil in the specials, lunches, and lab times that I've already scheduled.
10. Referring back to the time allocation chart, the academic subjects were scheduled for each teacher. I always give the individual teacher the opportunity to make changes to how the time is chunked, provided that the totally weekly allocation stays the same.

This year, I will present the schedule and these steps to the grade level chairs in a summer meeting. I will talk to them about alternatives and go over how I came to this schedule. Grade level chairs will then have the opportunity to ask questions and then take the schedule home with them for careful consideration. I will then present the master schedule to the faculty in an email. There will still be several weeks before school begins, so everyone will have the opportunity to provide input.

I have several expectations for the schedule during the school year. First, the homeroom's schedule should be posted in the classroom. Some teachers like to create a different format than the grade level grid that I use. This is fine, as long as I have a current copy of the grade level schedule in grid format. Secondly, the schedule should be followed with near 100% accuracy. Permanent adjustments must be approved and I must always have an accurate and up-to-date copy of the schedule in the grade-level grid format. Short-term changes must also be approved. An example is swapping the recess and math blocks because the chances of rain in the afternoon. The teacher can tell me this in passing or-even better-send me an email prior to the swap.


Source by Jane Thursday, Ed.D.

Parents Guide to Writing Private High School Application Essays


Your teenager's entrance into private high school can not be taken for granted. With public schools beset with a variety of problems – discipline, poor test results, safety – private high schools offer your child a quality education in a safe environment.

When you request an information package from a private high school, you will discover that essays and short answer essays are required from both you and your teenager. Your teen, who should be comfortable with answering essay style questions will be asked about his academic strengths and weaknesses, his desire to attend the private school and about his hobbies and extra-curricular activities. Questions directed to parents, however, often have a different focus and are designed with different purposes in mind.

Usually, the essay questions directed to parents are analytical in nature. Instead of asking for facts, these questions ask you to speak about your teens character, to discuss family dynamics and to gauge your role as a supporter of the private school. Private high school admittance directors recognize that teenagers who are brought up in a stable, education focused home, are much more likely to succeed than their peers who have less support at home.

Similarly, private school administrators look at your essay answers to determine whether you can be counted on to support the high school financially or through volunteer work. As you might imagine, administrators can not legally or ethically ask some of these questions but they can draw inferences based on your answers to application questions.

Analytical Questions

For example, an entrance application question may ask what you believe your child can contribute to the XYZ school. This type of question is really asking you to speak to your child's academic, social, athletic and out-of-school interests. If you have visited the school, reference your visit to show that you have made an effort to learn more about the school. Your answer should address each of your child's areas of interest and strength. Here is a sample answer to this question:

During our recent visit to the XYZ School, Tommy pointed out to me the well equipped science lab and asked a number of questions about the science curriculum available to students at the school. Tommy has a long standing interest in studying science and he has performed well in elementary school and we believe that he will bring that interest and aptitude to his high school studies. His current teachers note that Tommy regularly asks thoughtful and insightful questions in class. In addition to working hard to perform well academically, Tommy will be an willing participant in the school's baseball team and / or its marching band. Tommy keeps a busy schedule during the school year and as a well rounded and serious young man, he will represent the ideals and message of the XYZ School now and in the future.

Family Stability and Religious Questions

Other questions will more directly ask you about your future participation in school fund raising and other activities. These questions are designed to evaluate the stability of your home life and your future financial support potential. For example a religious school application might ask about the role your religion plays in your life. A non-religious school might ask why you are considering the XYZ School. Here is a sample answer to this type of question:

Our family is an active member of XYZ church. We are active members of the social action committee and every Thanksgiving, our entire family, including Tommy and his two sisters, volunteer at the XYZ Church gently used clothing center where we help distribute gently used clothes to homeless people. Tommy and his sisters have been greatly impacted by this activity as well as other church related functions. With a hands-on opportunity to minister to the less fortunate, Tommy has a personal understanding of the message of XYZ religion. We try to reinforce that message at home by attending services regularly and making daily prayer a part of our routine. At the XYZ Private Elementary School, both my husband and I have served on the Board of Directors and we are active participants in the school's Feed the Hungry annual campaign.

Answers like the ones set out above are designed to send a message to school administrators that both you and your teen are serious, dedicated and stable people who will fit in well with the community that develops within a particular private school. If you make an effort to study the type of community that exists within a particular school and you model your entrance questionnaire essay to that community, you greatly enhance your child's chances at gaining admission.


Source by Jonathan Ginsberg

Importance of Website in Schools


Internet has become one of the largest platforms of communication. It is the most effective technology available today. Building a website for school can prove to be extremely beneficial if it is done in the right way. It maybe time consuming and include a lot of effort to be put in for developing a website for the school, but it is very advantageous for the school community. The school website gives the school's information and also clear idea about what they are good at. School websites will provide the up to dates, as well as help them to link between schools, their communities and also to the entire world.

Opportunities provided by a school website:

  • Parents become more aware about the schools functioning, and also feel involved. Through the websites parents can be easily informed about the upcoming events like activities, exams and also tips that could help children. Thus websites play a vital role in removing the barrier between parents and the school.
  • With the help of websites teacher's can share their views and ideas with the rest of the faculty as well as the parents.
  • Te website makes it easier for the parents to give the school and the teachers their valuable feedback.
  • Parents get the opportunity to become well versed with the education system of their child.
  • The website provides a platform for the school to build contacts and link with business, families as well as other schools. Especially for families who relocate very often, these websites become great sources for them.

Few elements necessary for a school website:

  • Background of the school and other information like history and staff.
  • Basic contact details should always be mentioned in the website like, address, phone number, etc.
  • The website should contain all the day to day information or notice like upcoming inter and intra school events, holidays parent teacher's meeting, etc.
  • School websites should also avail blogs and forums to give an opportunity to have an interaction.
  • The necessary teaching aids, teaching materials, journals, lesson plan, and other education resources should be provided.
  • Photographs and write-ups about school, classroom, school trips, etc. should be put up. Also suggestions to be given to parents, assisting them to help their children at home.

Creating websites of your own is the same as being a publisher, but a website is always convenient for both students and educators. Here you make your own website without being criticized and it also saves time. Students should be encouraged to make the website for the school as they have more knowledge about technology than adults. Thus it becomes a learning experience for them, making them more versatile in what they do and create.

Many a times people tend to consider the school website to be a substitute for all the face-to-face interactions. It is a very wrong notion that they hold. The website should be perceived as an extra resource benefit provided to the world by the schools.


Source by Puripong Koomsin

Tips for School Uniform Design


Designing attractive school uniforms is as much an art as it is a science, and when approaching the uniform design process in this holistic approach we ensure that the end product, "the school uniform", ends up meeting and exceeding all expectations.

When designing a school uniform there are few factors that need to be identified and decided upon, to ensure that the school uniform meets client expectations, these include:

– Choose your material

– Choose the style

– Logo placement

– Artwork

1. Choose Your Material

The first important factor that needs to be determined is the selection of appropriate material for the uniform, two important factors are price and quality. The two most popular materials in typical uniform design, are cotton and polyester, with hybrid cotton / polyester also being a popular third option.

Cotton is generally renowned for its comfort, skin sensitivity, smooth feel, long history in the apparel industry and popularity amongst concerned parents. However it is not as long-lasting as polyester, requires more care when washing, is generally a heavier material than polyester and has added concerns with environmental processes expended to produce it.

Polyester is renown for being exceptionally durable, is more resistant to the elements (hence its popularity in sports apparel), lighter than most apparel materials, and cheaper and easier to produce. However polyester is often regarded as being uncomfortable, due to chaffing and rashes in sensitive skinned people.

Hybrid blends of cotton and polyester are arguably the best material option, however these blends often cost more to produce, so again you must accurately gauge your school's uniform shop funding and capital.

2. Choose the Style

Once you have come to a decision of the material the next logical step is to determine what style or cut your base school uniform will be shaped to. It is important to understand your school for this stage, if for example you are a private christian school, you may require long sleeve button up shirts with collars and pockets. On the other hand if your school is a government public school the uniform policy may require you to have polo shirts instead. It is vital to consult your school's uniform policy and if your school does not have one it may be time to consider drafting one, as it will help improve your school's credibility to the parents of the children.

The categories of styles here can be viewed as Formal and Non-Formal.

– Formal: long sleeve shirts, blazers, traditional skirts, ties, vests, pants, black shoes, wide brimmed hats

– Non-Formal: polo shirts, t shirts, plain pants, caps,

There are many sub-styles relating to the base styles outlined above, however this article will not go in-depth, typically companies have pre-made styles they get from suppliers or styles they manufacture themselves.

3. Logo Placement

Once you have decided on the material and style, its time to consider how to attach your school logo to the uniform. Before you decide where you are going to place the logo, it is important to source a high quality image of the logo, this will help you later down the track when it comes to eventual printing or embroidery of the logo. Typically the image needs to be 300dpi quality, typically in vector, PDF or JPEG format.

Where to place the logo?

– Right hand breast

– Left hand breast

– Sleeves (left & right)

– Underneath collar

It is recommended generally that the logo be placed on the right or left hand breast of the front of the shirt as this is the most professional looking place. Depending on your school specialty though, you may find a more abstract location to better reflect your specialty (art specialist schools would be ideal candidates).

How to attach the logo?

There is a few methods for attaching logo including using threads with embroidery, using vinyl with screen printing, or dye sublimation. I would highly recommend using embroidery for the normal school uniforms, however screen printing and dye sublimation are good methods for sporting uniforms as they are generally cheaper and carry less weight.

4. Artwork

So you have sourced your materials, the style and attached the logo in the appropriate place on your school uniform, but its missing something, the cherry on top to make it perfect. If you find yourself in this position it is often a last piece of artwork that can help finish off your school uniform design.

Again it is very important here to understand your school, including the school values, school specialty (is it sports? Is it the local community?), The school history and obviously the school colours. It is good to make a brainstorm of all the things that make the school tick, I would highly recommend also plotting the school colours and all the complimentary and contrast colours, to help you with additional artwork.

While creating designs it is good practice to match the design process with the eventual printing process, depending on your printing decision, whether it be screen printing, dye sublimation or embroidery. Typically screen printing and dye sublimation impose no barriers to artwork creativity, however designs that are to be embroidered or sewn on the uniform, can not have designs with sharp curves or right angles.


The key to designing, manufacturing and developing a school uniform is a fairly involved process, especially if you take pride in the end product and your own brand. It is important to maintain strong communication with your client to ensure that the material, the style, logo placement and artwork considerations meet their end product expectations.

Working to a plan like this helps with organisation of tasks, and ensures that you meet and exceed client expectations. I work to this formula when I receive uniform enquirers at my company, working with my customers to co-create a solution that leaves everyone happier.


Source by Uros Evic

The Top 5 Benefits of Attending a Trade School


Education is an industry that is widespread across the world.

Everyone attends school from elementary through high school –

And then a good amount go onto some form of college or university.

But colleges and universities can cost the student a lot of money.

A person who graduates from college can be paying off college loans for 20 years or even longer!

The Benefits Of Trade Schools

Since 2007, trade school enrollment has risen by 5%.

Vocational Schools (trade, technical) are becoming a more popular alternative to job training and college.

Here are the Top 5 benefits of attending a trade school:

1. Cost

This is pretty obvious, and even more important with our economy fluctuating everyday.

Trade schools can cost only about an 1/8 of the price for a four year degree –

PLUS, you do not have to worry about using your hard earned money to pay off loans for the rest of your life!

2. A Job Waiting For You When You Graduate

Vocational schools give you the exact skills you need for the job market after you graduate –

And most vocational schools have job placement programs that have you set-up with a job right after graduating.

This is a HUGE benefit, seeing that many people with four year degrees can go close to a year until they land there first job after graduation.

3. Hands-On Training

Tech schools teach you what you need to know … not all the extra stuff like at other colleges.

You will not be paying for a bunch of "pre-major" or "gen eds" that you will never use in the future.

You're paying for the training you need to the career you are pursuing.

4. Job Security

Most of the programs offered at trade schools are for careers that need to be done in person, by the people who are closest.

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A career in one of these trades will give the security of knowing that your job will not be outsourced overseas, or you will not be replaced by a machine.

5. A Successful Future

After graduating, you will always have a career and you will be making good money, without having to pay off college debt.

You will always be in demand and will not have to worry about getting jobs because people will ALWAYS need your services!

This is something that is very important to take into consideration when thinking about your future, and career.

So there you have it, the top 5 benefits of attending a trade school.

If you are interested in enrolling in a trade school or technical school, or finding out more information, the internet is your best source to find a vocational school near you!


Source by Arsham Mirshah